Monday, September 17, 2012

I Know That Look

 Recently Ariana has started Capoeira.  It is a Brazilian style of Martial Arts.  Its requires so much strength but they make it look so easy, because at times it looks and feels like a dance.  I can't even begin to describe it, you tube has some cool videos.  It's really beautiful to watch. Ariana has been going for a couple of weeks and she is loving it.  David and I were so excited that she wanted to do it, but we never foresaw how much she was going to enjoy it.   I think its because she is always constantly challenging her fear and when she over comes it, she is just smiling ear to ear.  She was really afraid at first to go into a handstand, and much less hold the handstand and then flip over.  But she is really starting to get it.  Its been also fun watching her little brother Viggo get in on the action.  He is just a natural. He does back to back handstand flips like nothing. And now he starting to just hold the handstand.  His balance is unreal.  I'll have to get a pic up of him doing it soon.

I caught the picture above randomly and I can't get over this look.  Its the look she always gets when she is determined to do something. I can remember this look back when she was trying to walk.  Sometimes I think nothing in this life is going to get in this girls way.  She has such determination.  David laughs because he says its the same look I get before I get competitive.  The other day she kept falling over and she started to sound agitated, and I told her it was okay for her to take a break, and just relax.  That with time and practice it would come.  She looked up at me and said, "mom that's just what I have to do to make myself to do it."  I laughed so hard, of course she has to make herself mad to get over her fears.  I wonder where she learned that........

 See her way in the back?  It's so cute to see her doing it with adults.  At first I thought she would find it uncomfortable but she loves it. And she has one other friend in the class.  She can stay in synch with them for like one rotation.

 They play this along with the Capoeira music.  It's pretty cool when the group is completely synchronized to the music.  Micah loves the music.

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