Friday, January 31, 2014

My Number 3 is turning 2

It seems like just yesterday that your dad and I were walking up and down a hill in the dark of the night trying to get my contractions to start on their own.  But, knowing you now I should have known that you were not going to have any of that.  You were induced later that night, I'm sure to your displeasure.  I think you would have stayed there another month in my tummy if you could have.  You must have thought that you were not quite as big as you wanted to be because maybe you thought 10lbs. 6oz was on the small end. The moment I saw you the first thing anyone noticed was your gorgeous dimples.  Micah when you smile you make me melt.  Sometimes I want to be stern with you (when you are acting up) but you make it so hard with those dimples of yours.

I love you so much! We love you so much.  Your brother and sister adore you.  All three of you do everything together.  You are like the three musketeers at home.  You seem to not realize that you are at the end of the pecking order.  I don't know how but you act like you are the one that is suppose to rule the roost.  The funny thing is that at two years old you have a very commanding presence amongst the three.  You have a mind of your own and you are not afraid to voice your opinion. It's so endearing watching you trail behind as you try your best to keep up with Nani and Viggo.  No matter how many times they go up and down the stairs you are right there trying to keep up as best as you can.  I love when you say "Te Amo." Especially while I'm rocking and singing to you right before bed.  You always grab my face with your two little hands in mid song and just plant one on me and say "Te Amo."  For sure a highlight in my day to day.  It never gets old. 

I'm so happy it's your birthday.  I look forward to watching you eat your cake! You almost hum and bop a little when we give you something that you truly enjoy.  I am so glad that you are part of our family Micah Bear.  Although you left me with love marks from carrying all 10lbs.6oz, you were so worth it! "Te Amo, mi Micah Bear!" Feliz cumpleanos mi amor!!!

2 Year Old Micah

- Favorite Food: Pasta

- Favorite Thing: Your blue Dragon blanket.

 - You love Ariana.  You know you are safe with her.  When I place you in time out you always turn to look at Ariana to see if she will come to comfort you.  Also it's very cold here.  So whenever we are piling up in the car as soon as you are buckled in you turn to her to have her warm up your hands for you.

- Viggo: You want to be just like him.  You love ruff housing with him. Yesterday it snowed all day.  And you and him got all dressed up and you both just played all afternoon in the back yard together in the snow.  Wrestling, snow ball fighting, and plowing up the snow into different places.  I love watching you both play together.  I hope you will be best friends forever!

- Dad: I have lost that battle.  You are now officially a Daddy's boy.  You cant get enough of him.
(*except at night you ask for me to put you to bed!)  Seriously you both are like two peas in a pod.  You look identical, and your personalities are the same! You are a mini David! But that's a good thing. If you grow up to be anything like your Daddy I will be so proud.  He is a good man, and a wonderful father!

- Words: You are a little behind in that department.  It may be because you are the third and if you know my kids its hard to get a word in.  They are big talkers.  But, you are doing better.  Everyday you are saying more and more.  Right now your favorites are "te amo, leche, hot, NO, more."

- Bad Habbits- Viggo was a biter.  But you liked to scratch.  I think just this week we may have made headway on this.  You aren't hitting and you aren't scratching.  Timeouts weren't doing it for you.  And holding your hands in my palms right after you did it didn't seem to feel like a consequence to you.  So I tied a string around each of your hands.  For some reason you did not like that at all.  Who would have thought tying a little string around your hand was what would get you to stop.

Funnies- You put yourself in timeout.  You are extremely animated. You make the best faces.  I love how when you don't want to do something you already have that walk to show me you are not into it.  You love to sing along to the radio.  Like I said you don't have that many words but none the less it does not stop you from singing along!

- Favorite thing to do:  Take a bath

- Least Favorite thing: Use the bathroom.  We started potty training you this week and I think you have the idea , but you are just so bothered with having to stop what you are doing to go. You have a bit of a stubborn streak in you.

- What makes you so special at two:  EVERYTHING! We just can't get enough of you!!!


Happy Birthday Micah!

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