This was crazy we always said we would never move to Arizona. But here we were packing up and leaving beautiful San Diego. Long story short we move out to Arizona the hearing store did not do well and it filed for bankruptcy. Then we went about two years with really no financial income!! =( Very stressful times. But somehow we were always able to make it month to month. We were very blessed!!! Our intention in coming out to Arizona was always to help build this buissness with his best friend but we always intended for David to enroll in school and get his bachelors. Well the first year went by and we did nothing, then the second went by and once again we did not enroll David. Well finally after praying we felt that David really needed to go back to school. Once David decided to do this things changed drastically for us. He got an amazing job out here in Sedona Arizona where he works with a group of audiologists, and he is able to do all his schooling online. He has one more year at community, and then he is transfering to NAU and doing a completely all online degree. This is a huge blessing because being a family of four online seemed to be the only answer to finish school. And just a couple of months ago NAU created this online degree, which is nice because David will still be able to qualify for financial aid!!! So Davids goal is to become an audiologist which means he will then have to enroll in a doctorate program.
Luckily the audiologists he works for really want David to do this and are very supportive of his schooling. So in about three more years we will move back down to Tempe Arizona for about four years so David can finish his doctorate program. Wow that was a lot of info. But without it you wouldn't understand how excited that today is David's first day of school. This is the first day that we embark on our plan!!!
And to make it all the more special Ariana started her first day of her preschool group!! Yes she is only three but a group of moms from church created this preschool group for our kids where we take turns once a week teaching preschool to our kids!! I know its not the real thing yet, but it sure did feel like it!! She has been my partner in crime for almost three years now!! And it feels so strange not to have here with me now!! =( But she looked so happy this morning!! I took pictures of David and Ariana in there backpacks!! Yes I made David put one on even though it is all online!!! So here is a pic of Ariana and David's first day of school!!!
Aren't they cute!! I am so lucky to have David. He loves us so much and is a very hard worker!!