Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Mother's Day

I don't know why but this Mother's Day felt out of control.  Maybe it was that David wasn't home, or that I find myself living at my Dad's house with everyone, or simply that I am now a mother of three.  But nonetheless it felt chaotic at home.  Ariana and Viggo both were having emotional breakdowns that morning, and my little Micah was teething.  So it was not the relaxing morning I had imagined for myself.  But in the end I sat back and realized that this is what makes me happy.  It's the one thing in my life that is constantly challenging me and making me strive to become a better person, mother, sister and wife.  In between their tyrannical terr-aids on Sunday morning, I found a moment of quiet that allowed me to appreciate and really realize how special my kids are to me.  As I started getting ready for church I put a video on for them, and the room went silent.  I could hear their little giggles, and Ariana and Viggo trying to soothe their little brother when he would begin to whine every now and then.  They would tell him how much they loved him, and then would proceed to go back to their comfy positions to continue watching their movie.  Once I let myself just be in the moment, I was able to appreciate the fact that I love being a mother.  I have a family of my own, and I get to take care after these three little munchkins, that have the ability to just make my heart melt ( and at times make me want to pull out my hair ;0) ).  By the way I got my first official mother's day card from my little girl. I mean an OFFICIAL one, one where she wrote it all on her own.  It was the BEST gift ever.  Her words touched my heart so much.  She is such a good little writer. I have to take a picture of it and post it.  Because, I never want to loose it!

I was able to capture my quiet moment on Mother's Day.  All three watching a movie.
Isn't Micah getting so big? Excuse the bed it was Sunday, and we like to spend as much time as possible in bed together on Sundays.

This is my mom with my baby.  I appreciate her so much more now, that I have my own kids.  She had six, I only have three.  I sometimes ask myself how she did it?  But she did, and I love her for it.  Happy Mother's Day mom!

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