It actually happened, this little one just finished preschool. I feel like the stage before preschool feels smooth and steady, and then all of a sudden they hit kindergarten and you turn your head around for one second and you look back and realize they will be a third grader next year. (That's what happened with my Nani) Not too sure I am ready for his life to fast forward before my eyes, but I don't think I have a choice.
This preschool we found accidentally down the hill from us, is a little gem. Miss. Lindsay is wonderful!! She makes the kids feel so loved. I loved everything about it. I am going to miss seeing her beautiful smile every afternoon. But I will be back. I have one more for her.
Viggo I hope you remember all our late pajama wearing mornings drinking smoothies that daddy prepared for us before he took off to school. I hope you remember your love for collecting box tops. We finally got enough today to earn you a lollipop. I hope you remember that you never once went into your class without giving me one last hug. And I hope you remember the smile you would get from seeing Micah come to pick you up after class with his crazy nap time hair. I hope you remember how excited you always were to share with us your yummy snacks that you set aside for your sister and Micah.
Preschool sure was great! And I know every morning until your sister is out of school you will be asking me if we can go back? And my answer will be no, it's time to get ready to have some Summer fun!