Saturday, May 17, 2014

Lookie Lookie We Played Hooky

David left last Sunday for his care week.  During his absence we all got colds AGAIN. My Ariana was sent home from school with pink eye.  David says it was a viral one since it had no drainage.  I guess you can get pink eye from a cold virus, and it can give you itchy red eye. Sure enough it presented itself the next day with no red eye but with an icky cold. And, then my Micah threw my wedding rings down the drain! Needless to say we had a very eventful week.  ( Positive note of the week.  I got to see Wicked! Thank you Khrysten for watching my sick kiddos.)

David got in late Thursday night.  Ariana wasn't sick anymore, but she still had a cough. So, we decided that was a good enough excuse to ditch school.  We decided to get some fresh air and go for a hike at my favorite lake Couer d'Alene.  Goats, wildflowers, tall green trees, gorgeous lake, fresh air, and a picnic is just what I needed. 

Around 4:30 we hurried home because our Viggo actually WANTED to perform in his school performance.  He has not participated in a single one this year. He is not a big fan of being on stage.  I did not want to push him all year because I figured when he was ready he would be ready.  And sure enough he made it to his last performance of the year.  He was a little ( moody ) fire fly.  He did not break into a smile unless he was zipping around stage.  But, I was so proud of my moody firefly overcoming his fears.  In the slide pictures you will get to see Layla.  His FIRST crush! She is sooooo cute! Ariana was so excited to meet Layla.  She teases Viggo about her all the time.  Ariana has had no problem learning the duties that come with being the oldest.  Oh Viggo, this will not be the first nor last time your sister is over protective of you and introduces herself to your crushes.  

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