Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Oh the Places I Will Go

 Can I just say I wish I could ride my bike everywhere.  I LOVE my bike.  It makes me feel like a little kid again.  As a kid I always day dreamed about taking off on my bike to see the world.  Every time I hop on I feel like I am going on some amazing excursion. I love feeling the air brush against my face.  It just makes me feel so alive.  

I don't know what it is about Spokane Washington but I feel like it speaks to my soul.  I can't explain it, but something about seeing seasons change is just breath taking.  I love the fresh crisp air, and I love seeing how excited people are to be outdoors again.  My hubby took the kids to soccer practice and I met up with him later.  I wanted to ride my bike and just see what interesting things would call to me.  When I have the kids in the bike trailer sometimes its tough to look around because usually I am breathing very heavy trying to get them to point A to point B, and second usually at some point in the trip I am trying to get the boys to stop teasing one another.  What I found out was that it was hard to take pictures while riding my bike. My kick stand sucks.  Every time I got off my bike to take a picture it just toppled over.  So, I ended up only taking pictures once I got to my family. What I realized though is that they are my favorite subject to photograph.  Everywhere we go has been amazing because they have been right by my side.  I think that is why I have fallen in love with every place we have moved to. They just make everything even that much more beautiful.

 Nani decided she wanted to play photographer.  Not bad right?

 She loves her hair down! She takes off any braid or pony tail I make her as soon as she can.  She is my free spirit.

 Nani took this one too!

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