Sunday, October 9, 2011

What to do with Viggo?

Viggo has gone through many stages.  I thought we got through his temperamental stage, but I think it is back with vengeance.  I really hope this stage goes by quickly.  I just want my happy boy back.   I know that with patience and time we will get through this, but oh boy I am going to need an extra tank of patience I think.  Viggo, you are seriously lucky you are so cute, because there are times that your beautiful soft brown eyes are what melt my heart and make me realize that my sweet little boy is still in there.  I am hoping it was just the move that brought this out in you again, and that you are just going through an adjustment period.  As I am writing this I see you playing with your little cars, and making all sorts of car noises that involve sirens, car horns, and crashes. You really are the cutest most temperamental boy I have ever met. I am lucky to have you, temperament and all.

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