It's 11:30 at night and I am still awake. My hubby is studying anatomy and physiology right next to me. I noticed him falling asleep so I decided I would keep him awake with the sound of my typing. He may find it more annoying than helpful but oh well. I can't sleep. And I really don't have any pictures to post on facebook. I sometimes wonder if it's annoying to people how many pictures I post. I try to only do it like twice a week. But it's so hard. It's just the easiest way for me to keep my my family posted. They find it so hard to get to this corner of the web unless I re-post this to facebook. Which, I am sure is even more annoying than my facebook pictures. Oh well I love pictures and I love my kids. They are both a great love in my life.
Micah I believe is my future assistant. He is so funny. When I was taking pictures of Viggo this morning he saw I had the camera out and assumed I wanted to take some pictures of him. He kept walking up to the lens and showing off his best smile. It was pretty funny. I had my tripod out and all I could see out of the corner of my shot was his little blond hair. And then I would swivel my head out from behind and see him standing there ready for me to snap his shot. Turns out he isn't just a pretty face. He also later tried capping my lens for me. He also played with my flash. He is going to be wonderful in the future. He loved how I could make my flash go off. I love natural light photography, but sometimes in really hard spots I have used this handy speed-light. At first I was not a big fan, but once I learned to control it I have found that I can use the flash and most times people can't really tell I used it. I use it more like a filler light I guess. I am not a big fan of flash looking pictures. (You know the one's that look like people saw a ghost.) But I am a fan of flash pictures that don't look flashy.
It's been fun using it off the foot on my camera. and using it on an external foot. It's pretty cool how it can sync up to your camera. K, I think I am tired now. So there you have it. You now know three things about me, you know who my future assistant is, and you know that at times I am guilty of NON FLASHY FLASH pictures. And the third thing you may have noticed is that I am messing around with creating a new watermark. You may be seeing these around here. Not because I think anyone wants to steal my pictures but because I want to see how they look out there. And, if you are still awake I hope you are having a lovely Friday night. Maybe on a fun date, or allowing yourself to indulge in a not so healthy dessert. Mmmmm like strawberries and chocolate. I digress I better go. Goodnight!