Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Viggo Turned 5?

It was Viggo's birthday yesterday.  We had a pirate themed party.  He has been obsessed with pirates and trains lately.  But, when I would ask him what kind of birthday cake he wanted he would say "pirates" but in Spanish.  He had fun opening presents, and eating his favorite meal pizza, followed by some birthday cake and ice cream.  

I didn't notice till now that on his birthday cake I made the number 5 for one of the sails.  All day Ariana kept talking about what we were going to do for her birthday when she turns five.  I guess I just got the number five stuck in my head.  Ooooops.  Viggo dosen't know the difference.  I know the cake looks more like a speed boat, then I pirate ship, but he didn't care.  It was so cute, he loved it!! And, in the end that is all that matters.  Happy Birthday my beautiful "2" year old little boy.

 Viggo at Two Years Old

1) Your favorite thing to do is eat.  You love food.  I love cooking, but you make it even more fun, because I just want to hear you go "mmmmmm rico, mami, rico."

2) You love choo choo tomas, and you love pirates.  All day you are either carrying a train, or yelling out "arrrrgh".

3)  Your favorite thing to do with Ariana is to pretend play that you are ninjas.  You have the cutest kicks and punches I have ever seen.  And I love the intense look you get in your eyes.

4)  You have the ability to make me want to pull my hair out and laugh all in the same breath.  You will be doing something, like running away from the pew on Sunday, and I will me mortified, yet when you look back at me, I can't help but laugh.  I think you got that gift from your dad.  I can never stay mad at him either.

5)  You were potty trained in two days, two weeks before your second birthday.  We were so proud of you!!! 
6)  You love to tease.  You tease your sister all the time, because you just want her to chase after you.  I think you got that from your dad too.

7)  You have a temper, but you are a love bug too.  You love hugs and kisses, and just being held, but you also love to pinch : /

8)  You are starting to speak so well.  I love hearing your cute voice. Which I might add is not a quite one.  You are very loud.  Its like you want the world to stop and take notice.

9)  You love jumping on the trampoline.  I love it, because you get so much energy out.  And you dribble a soccer ball like a pro.  You should see the smile your dad gets when he watches you dribble.

10)  You still have the most beautiful eyes.  I can see everything that you are feeling through your deep brown eyes.  They truly are the windows to your soul.  I can tell if you are frustrated, hurt, happy, sad, tired, all by just looking into your eyes. 

I love you Viggo.  You have brought so much boy energy into our home.  And I love it.  Your little spirit is truly electrifying.  And I am so glad you get to share that with me, your dad, and sister.  Happy Birthday Viggito.



  1. WHAT!? in two days he was potty trained!!! I am so jealous, but congrats you are blessed with awesome kids. He looks like he had tons of fun on his 5th b-day...he he

  2. Thanks Lily! I just wish I could teach him as easily that pinching his sister is not a game.
