My children have always thought the world of their Dad. He is the just the best thing since peanut butter and jelly to them. Well in my families case he is the best thing since peanut butter ice cream. I am officially throwing in the towel. There is nothing I can do that will ever compare to their Dad riding a motorcycle. The night David came home with it, Viggo just put his two little hands on it and said, "this is so cool, this is sooooo cool." May I add that he was almost shaking from the excitement and his eyes expanded twice the size of their original diameter. Yup he is officially the coolest parent in the Ettinger home. That's okay David it is 2-1 but you never know.... so don't get too comfortable. ( I know something is seriously wrong with me. I love to make anything into a competition.) I think that's why my favorite character on Friends was Monica. I would laugh so hard because I was like, "that is so me!"
Ariana is usually our timid one. But she was so excited to ride around on Daddy's bike. No worries people he was not even going five miles per hour. He just went up and down the street VERY SLOWLY.
She's got her game face on.
Can't wait to print this one! It makes my heart happy.
Love that her pig tails are poking out of the helmet
Off they went!