Thursday, August 30, 2012

“Let the beauty that we love be what we do.”

 I was contacted this week about doing a family photo shoot.  I was thrilled to have the opportunity to get to shoot.  I love doing it.  Every time we move I always think what if I don't get to shoot another family our couple again?  But somehow it always works out.  Since this is my blog I am just going to put it out there.  I love shooting pictures but I do not enjoy how nervous I get. I worry about my equipment failing, losing or erasing pics by accident, and just thinking what if I don't get a single good picture. But no matter how nervous I get (which is VERY nervous) I seem to always move past it to be able to do what I love. 

Starting over in Tucson had me a little worried.  One of things that made me worried was being able to find locations to shoot at.  San Diego has so many fun places to shoot, that it makes you think how will anything ever match it.  But it always does.  I love photography because it reminds me of how beautiful the world and life really is.  One of the fun things about taking pictures is that I get to discover new places.  Tucson I think is going to turn out to be one of my favorite places to shoot at.  It has so many little gems.  Yesterday my assistants (my family) went out with me to find some possible locations.  I run up this way all the time and always think I would really like to shoot a family here.  My hubby was kind enough to escort me.  I was too afraid to go down the trail alone.  I have found some snakes as I have gone on my runs, and could not bear to go explore it on my own.  Your probably sick of hearing this.  But I sometimes think I am the luckiest girl in the world.  My husband is so supportive of me living out my dream.  I just love him so much.  I love how much he believes in me.  

Recently Ariana has really gotten in to taking pictures. Lately everywhere she goes she takes her camera.  She is a total Daddy's girl so sharing this with her has been a lot of fun. 

David scoping out the trail for me to see if there are any snakes.  Pretty sad that my kids are so much more braver than me.

She couldn't keep her eyes open because of a pesky fly.  I love that my family comes out with me to find new spots.  

 And this is the road I run every morning.  And every morning I think about how fun it would be to shoot a family out here. I guess there is something to this law of Perpetual Transmutation.  The images you hold in your mind most often materialize in results in your life.

"Let the beauty that we love be what we do." Jalal ad-Din Rumi

1 comment:

  1. you, nervous? no need. you're a pro and you have the proof that you're a GREAT photographer.
