Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The Good the Bad and the Ugly

This month looks like it is going to be a crazy busy month, so I am trying to not get behind and just post some things that have happened before I forget.

So, I use my blog as a place for me to document my little family's on goings.  And it has been a great way for me to practice my photography.  I think I shoot a picture everyday.  Camera phones make that goal easy to do.  So.... I didn't know if I should document this but I want to remember everything the good the bad and the ugly.  I know I have been honest here before but I can't recall my blog ever entering the UGLY category.  Well today is the day.  It's about to get ugly.

This past weekend my family experienced what I never wanted to experience.  Yes, my kids had LICE.  Are you itching yet?  I am just writing this! 

I went a little nutty.  I think I messaged called anyone who I have ever known that has experienced this thing.  I was so nervous that my pediatrician wouldn't get back to me since it was Easter weekend.  And I just wanted to have all my ducks lined up in a row, as I was about to go to war against these little blood suckers. 

I don't know how they got it.  Either school, or that cute hat I bought for Ariana from Target.  But they had it.  Luckily I caught it really early.  They did not have many at all.  But it was still so gross!!! 

I decontaminated everything.  I mean everything. Lately I have heard people using home ingredients to combat these little pests.  I found one about tea tree oil.  But, I had none of that.  Then I read about Mayo.  It's suppose to kill the bugs.  But after I had applied it I learned it does not kill the eggs/nits.  And some say it just makes the bugs dormant.  So after lathering both my kids heads in Mayo, I still ended up using the pesticide shampoos.  I was just so scared that I wasn't going to kill them ALL.  But I found that my pre-treatment of Mayo must have helped Ariana's hair from over drying.  She had such shiny hair after.  

I am still obsessed.  I look for them everyday.  And I have been a non-stop cleaning machine.  I am tired!

Confessions-  If I were to believe in reincarnation I think in another life I would have been a baboon.  I am a picker.  I love to pop zits, I pick at scabs, and as grossed out as I was about the lice... I was loving finding those little suckers and picking them out.  Told you this was going to get ugly.  I picked and picked my little girls head for about 2 1/2 hours straight. In a weird way I felt that this was a passage into real motherhood.  My kids have never had any medical emergencies, but this was the weekend that Mommy had to come to the rescue.  Mommy Baboon came out and in an odd and yes disturbing way I was loving having that time with them.  Viggo kept telling me, "mom your the best."  And Ariana kept saying, "thank you Mom.  I feel so much better."  So, as bad and gross as this was there was a silver lining.  I got to spend time with my kids.  They had to just sit there, and we talked and talked, and talked and occasionally we would make up a song about going to war against the lice.  Ariana even pounded my fist with a bomb bursting action after we finished.  Yes, I know we are weird.

1 comment:

  1. I think lice is totally a right of passage in mommyhood. If you guys have a Whole Foods nearby they should carry tea tree oil (sometimes it's called melaluca). Also I know they have a tea tree scalp treatment for dry scalp maybe that would help in preventing it? I also saw the same scalp treatment at Fred Meyer in the natural/organic section. The picture of your two little ones is adorable.
