I am sooo sick. Its the worst when you are sick, with little ones at home. I just feel like a horrible mom. All I want to do is curl up in bed, and be left alone. But no, the day must go on. That's okay I have seven more hours until David gets here. I set up a little craft table for the kids, but all they want to do is lay with me in bed, watching movies. I normally don't allow them to watch too much t.v but I think I am going to give in today : /
They keep trying to play games with me while laying in bed. Making me feel even more guilty because I realize that they probably want to get out and play, but are stuck with me at home :(
Can you see Ariana's baby doll, she says she is sick just like me.
This is them watching t.v.. I think it's cute how Viggo lays on top of Ariana's back every once in while. He tends to do this every time the barbie musketeers break into song. Kung Fu Panda is next so don't feel too bad for him :0)
that is so awesome how even though you are sick you still laid out a craft table...AWESOME MOM!!! I wouldn't even think twice about letting them watch tv all day, when sick. but I do agree with you on the too much tv turns their brain into mush. hope you feel better soon.