Tuesday, February 26, 2013


I love any time I can eat food.  But there is a special place in my heart for breakfast time.  You don't have the fanciest food but that is why you are so great!  You are so quick and easy to make.  You don't come off as pretentious or intimidating.  Daddies feel like they can wrap their head around you.  It's always wonderful to wake up on Saturday morning to french toast and strawberry compote with whipped topping in bed!  Which leads me to my next point, WHIPPED TOPPING for BREAKFAST

I don't have to wait till after dinner to have something sweet! How pretentious dinner can be.  Dinner must thinks it's a pretty big deal, to make one wait to allow ourselves to a treat.  You are the most courteous of all the meals. You don't insist on making me come to the table to partake in your deliciousness and goodness.  You sometimes come to me, and join me as I stay warm in my sheets and allow my eyes to slowly adjust to the suns gentle rays that begin to penetrate the small spaces between my blinds.  

And as sweet as you can be on a Saturday morning you have the ability to provide me with the nutrition I need to start my day right.  Whether, it be a baked frittata with tons of veggies, or egg whites with yummy spinach, or nopales with tomato, onion, and green chiles, or a smoothie, or my personal favorite rolled oats with coconut milk, berries, and almonds, you never fail to make healthy look easy.  So easy, that my children never put up a fit when they sit down to breakfast.

Yes, breakfast time you really do hold a special place in my heart. 

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